Fertility Cleanse and The Best Way To Prepare For Pregnancy
Take Back Your Fertility Naturally
Cleansing is a great way to get a fresh start on fertility, especially for those who may have hormonal imbalances or irregular cycles.

Doing a fertility cleanse is one of the best ways to boost your fertility and prepare for pregnancy, even if you have no fertility issues. If you are having difficulties getting pregnant, you need to consider doing a fertility cleanse even more.
Cleansing is a simple, but super effective natural method to release toxins from your body that are affecting your fertility.
Fertility cleansing really does work! Many couples have used this simple fertility tip and got pregnant after years of trying!
Why Should You Cleanse Over the years?
our bodies are exposed to many, many toxins and are damaged by our poor lifestyle and dietary choices. Though our bodies were amazingly created to naturally detox waste and excess hormones, they weren’t meant to have to keep up with the standard way of living. If you want your body to have a good shot at healing itself, you are going to need to give it a little boost.
Want to know what affects your toxin levels the most? Here’s a list of some of the top culprits:
Want to know what affects your toxin levels the most? Here’s a list of some of the top culprits:
- Birth Control Chemicals
- Hormones present in non-organically raised meat, milk, and eggs.
- Pesticides present in non-organically grown fruits and vegetables.
- Heavy metals like mercury present in dental fillings, certain type of fish, and even cosmetics.
- Household cleaning products.
- Pollutants in the environment, especially if you live in a large city.
- Use of plastic containers to store food and water.
- Use of microwave ovens.
- Smoke, alcohol, prescription medications and other substances.
- Use of birth control pill and synthetic hormones.
- Immunization containing thymerosal, a mercury derivate, aluminum and other toxic adjuvants.
Lifestyle So what happens to your body when it gets backed up with all these toxins? Well, if your body cannot handle the toxin overload, it finds a place to store them until it can get to them. Usually fat tissue is a main place for toxin storage… but for lean people your body will create tumors or cysts as storage. It is much better to prevent toxin overload than to fix a big problem that could occur.
The Real Reason Why You Need To Do A Fertility Cleanse Before Conception...
So, before you go rushing to make an appointment with your fertility doctor, consider this very simple way to boost your fertility and significantly increase your chances of having a healthy pregnancy.
There is clear evidence suggesting that doing a cleanse helps your body eliminate toxic build-up of hormone-like chemicals in your body that not only suppress ovulation, but also affect the quality of your eggs.
A fertility cleanse is not only recommended to women, but also to men because sperm quality can be affected by toxicity as well.
Men who smoke have a higher change of having low sperm count, poor sperm motility and more sperm abnormalities.
Men should also follow a cleansing detox before conceiving to ensure healthier sperm cells.
Fertility Drugs Are Toxic To Your Body
Did you know that fertility drugs have severe side effects and can be toxic to your body and your baby?
If you have had failed IVF cycles or have taken any kind of fertility drugs you more than anybody need to follow a good fertility cleanse protocol that is specifically designed for preconception and to enhance fertility.
Many fertility clinics that use an alternative approach together with fertility treatments, often recommend doing a fertility cleanse to assist the body in reducing toxicity and stimulating ovulation before trying for a new cycle.
Toxins In Your Body Cause Many Symptoms
When it comes to conception, toxins could be the main reason for infertility. Studies have shown that hormone-like compounds found in tap water are the main cause of early puberty, early menopause, menstrual irregularities, uterine fibroids, endometriosis and other fertility issues in women.
The Benefits of Doing A Fertility Cleanse
A fertility cleanse should be designed to help clear the body of excess toxins, balance the hormones, bring circulation to the reproductive system, and prepare the body for conception. Fertility cleansing before conception is becoming more and more popular as more and more couples discover its effectiveness saving themselves from the cost and the stress of taking fertility drugs and going through fertility testing and treatments unnecessarily.
The real reason why you need to do a fertility cleanse is because excess hormones and hormone-like substances present in the environment, your food and water are the real cause of infertility in both men and women, as many recent studies have shown.
The following is a list of the main benefits of doing a good cleanse for fertility:
1. Support the detoxification process of the liver.
2. Eliminate effectively excess hormones causing infertility.
3. Promote uterine health by eliminating old blood, clots and debris.
4. Reduce inflammation of the reproductive organs caused by pelvic inflammation or endometriosis.
5. Increase circulation of fresh oxygenated blood to the reproductive area.
What Does a Fertility Cleanse Do
There are two main players when it comes to hormones and fertility: the liver and the uterus. A fertility cleanse targets these important fertility organs.
You may be thinking what does the liver have to do with fertility… Well, simple
stated – A LOT! Your liver is responsible for filtering practically everything that comes into your body including excess hormones. Everything natural or synthetic must be filtered through your liver before entering the blood stream. If you have excess estrogen running through your system, your liver is the one organ to take care of it. But because of toxin overload and minimal support from a healthful diet, your liver may need some stimulation to get rid of these substances. By doing a natural cleanse using healing herbs to support the liver, you will be helping your body cope with our toxin-filled, industrial world and the impact it could be having on your fertility.
You may be thinking what does the liver have to do with fertility… Well, simple
stated – A LOT! Your liver is responsible for filtering practically everything that comes into your body including excess hormones. Everything natural or synthetic must be filtered through your liver before entering the blood stream. If you have excess estrogen running through your system, your liver is the one organ to take care of it. But because of toxin overload and minimal support from a healthful diet, your liver may need some stimulation to get rid of these substances. By doing a natural cleanse using healing herbs to support the liver, you will be helping your body cope with our toxin-filled, industrial world and the impact it could be having on your fertility.
You are most likely aware that each month, your body prepares for conception by creating a healthy uterine lining for the embryo implantation. When you don’t conceive, your uterine lining is shed (during your period) and your uterus begins
the preparation process again. However, when there is excess toxin build up and hormonal imbalances, it is difficult to shed all the old lining. If your body doesn’t shed the entire lining, old stagnant blood and tissue accumulates inside the uterus…
What kind of place is that for a growing baby?
That’s where a cleanse utilizing herbs and other stimulating techniques comes into play. These can help support your uterine health, encourage complete lining shedding and tone your uterine wall, which all help to promote a healthy uterus and fertility.
Cleansing And Your Period
You should not do a cleanse or any kind of detox while on your period. Your period is already a way your body has to detoxify. It is especially important for cleansing the uterus.If you suffer from PMS, you will notice that after 1 or two cleansing cycles your symptoms will be gone.
If you have painful periods with lots of cramping, this is a sign you need to cleanse. Your period should not be painful or cramping. They should come easily and leave easily.
Let's talk about the blood flow. You blood flow should be normal and bright red. Anything different is an indication that something is off.
If you experience clots, your liver is sluggish and needs cleansing. If you blood is dark in colour, it stagnates inside your uterus and this indicates poor blood circulation.
How Long Should A Cleanse
Every woman’s needs are different, some may only need a month or two, and some may need 6 months of cleansing… Trust your body to know when it’s time to stop.
What kind of place is that for a growing baby?
That’s where a cleanse utilizing herbs and other stimulating techniques comes into play. These can help support your uterine health, encourage complete lining shedding and tone your uterine wall, which all help to promote a healthy uterus and fertility.
Is A Fertility Cleanse Safe?
If you are concerned about the safety of a fertility cleanse, consult with your family doctor, especially if you are taking any prescription medication. In general, fertility cleanses should pose no risk if used for 2-3 months. You should do a fertility detox before attempting to conceive.
Do not use any herbal detox if you become pregnant, as the toxins released during the cleanse can pose a risk to the developing baby.
It is also not recommended to do a fertility detox while nursing because the toxins released by your body will end up in the milk and affect the baby.
Cleansing For Hormonal Problems
Performing a cleanse for fertility will help those women who are experiencing poor hormonal balance that manifest itself as irregular cycles, lack of ovulation, short luteal phase, painful periods, PMS, cravings and mood swings before periods.
Using a high quality fertility cleanse kit is the first step to clear out any toxins that are at the root cause of your fertility problems.
By using carefully selected herbs that specifically nourish the uterine lining and balance the female hormonal system, you will help your body eliminated harmful substances.
If your experience heavy periods with cramping and dark blood clots, you will benefit from cleansing to help your fertility and eliminate these symptoms.
How To Get Started
As with any cleanse, be sure to consult your healthcare provider before starting. Completing a fertility cleanse takes time and commitment. There are several changes that happen to your normal routine, but in the end you will be so excited that you did it and your body will be so grateful.
Diet Change – I know that this will take the most commitment of all… changing your eating habits. This is another really important part of a good cleanse. If you remove the toxins from your body, but then feed it junk food, your efforts will be pretty much a waste! focused on adding fresh vegetable juice and plenty of raw nuts, fruits and vegetables. reduced the amount of meat and dairy you consumed and complete eliminated processed foods, refined sugars
Get Rid Of Uterine Debris
Yes! Doing a fertility detox before conception will make your labor easier and less painful by strengthening your uterus. In some women suffering from PCOS, irregular menses, anovulatory cycles, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, or fibroids, the uterus is not able to empty its contents completely each month, so doing a fertility cleanse is vital for them
If the uterus is not completely cleansed every cycle, old stagnant blood and uterine cells remain, leading to more problems related to infertility and increased risk of miscarriage.
Women who suffer from recurrent miscarriages benefit greatly from doing a fertility cleanse for the purpose of clearing the way to healthy pregnancies and babies.
Increase Circulation To The Uterus and Ovaries
When the uterus receives proper blood flow, it can function at its best and the hormonal messages loop between the uterus and ovaries within the endocrine system will function efficiently.
The Fertility Cleanse Kit for Women is a two part process:
Step 1
The time to begin a fertility cleanse is right after your period, never do a fertility cleanse or any kind of cleansing program while menstruating.
Menstruation is a natural body cleansing process that should not be interrupted.
Next, remember to rest during your menses. Your body has to work hard during your period, so this is one of the times you will not actively cleanse. No cleansing herbs or tinctures during this time. Allow your body to do what it needs to without having the added pressure of a major detox. Once your period is over, get back to your cleansing routine.
Always let your body do what it knows best, the job of a natural fertility cleanse is to assist the body in its normal functioning. The first and most important step begins with cleansing the liver.
Your liver is constantly working to eliminate toxins, heavy metals, bacteria and other impurities from the blood, but especially excess hormones that are broken down in the liver.
When your liver cannot eliminate excess hormones, you slip into hormonal imbalance usually caused by excess estrogen due to many environmental toxins, present in your food (synthetic hormones) and in your tap water (pesticides, synthetic hormones and other prescription drugs).
So proper liver health is essential to hormonal balance and fertility. You can now appreciate the importance of doing a fertility cleanse even if you do not suffer from infertility because any toxin that stays in your body can potentially affect the development of your unborn child.
Step 2
It is now time to nourish your body and your reproductive organs.
The Fertility Cleanse Kit's second phase focuses on the toning of your uterus and ovaries by nourishing and balancing. You should follow this protocol from day 18 of your cycle until your period arrives and you should stop during your period.
Continue with this cleanse for 2 extra cycles depending on the severity of your symptoms. In many cases one cycle is good enough. You will know by the way you feel.
You will notice improvement at each menstrual cycle as your blood flow will become free of clots and more bright red (rich in oxygen) with less pain and menstrual congestion during your periods.
You will be clearing your uterus of old blood, releasing old tissues, and ultimately strengthening the uterus and ovaries. Please note that the first couple of cycles may have more debris that have to be eliminated.
This is especially true if you are suffering from stagnation in your uterus usually due to PCOS, endometriosis, painful periods, dark clots, bloating, etc.
Following a fertility cleanse will provide a wide range of benefits restoring not only your fertility but also your general state of health.
It is possible to experience detox symptoms during the first 7 days of doing any type of cleanse. These really depend on your level of toxicity.
This phase is called "healing crisis" and it is very mild and transient. In my opinion, experiencing 1-2 days of healing crisis is a sign that your body is responding well to the cleanse and that things are moving out of your body.
These is list of possible cleansing symptoms you may or may not experience. If you do, don't be concerned as this is normal:
1. Flu-like symptoms.
2. Clear sinus discharge.
3. Irritating cough.
4. Body aches, muscle pain.
5. Increased bowel frequency.
6. Fatigue.
7. Skin rashes and itching
8. Headaches
9. Feeling emotional
10. Weight loss.
The best way to prevent cleansing or detox symptoms is to eat a very healthy diet and drink lots of water.
This is the best time to begin your fertility diet and add lots of smoothies and juices to your diet.

In men, alcohol, pesticides and other toxins, like heavy metals found in smoke, have been linked to abnormal sperm formation, low sperm count, low sperm life, prostate enlargement, and even erectile dysfunction.
The Fertility Cleanse Kit for Men is designed to promote sperm health, increase libido, balance hormonal health and eliminate harmful toxins that affect the motility, morphology (shape), and quality of male sperm.
Find Out More About The Fertility Cleanse Kit
Always let your body do what it knows best, the job of a natural fertility cleanse is to assist the body in its normal functioning. The first and most important step begins with cleansing the liver.
Your liver is constantly working to eliminate toxins, heavy metals, bacteria and other impurities from the blood, but especially excess hormones that are broken down in the liver.
When your liver cannot eliminate excess hormones, you slip into hormonal imbalance usually caused by excess estrogen due to many environmental toxins, present in your food (synthetic hormones) and in your tap water (pesticides, synthetic hormones and other prescription drugs).
So proper liver health is essential to hormonal balance and fertility. You can now appreciate the importance of doing a fertility cleanse even if you do not suffer from infertility because any toxin that stays in your body can potentially affect the development of your unborn child.
Step 2
It is now time to nourish your body and your reproductive organs.
The Fertility Cleanse Kit's second phase focuses on the toning of your uterus and ovaries by nourishing and balancing. You should follow this protocol from day 18 of your cycle until your period arrives and you should stop during your period.
Continue with this cleanse for 2 extra cycles depending on the severity of your symptoms. In many cases one cycle is good enough. You will know by the way you feel.
You will notice improvement at each menstrual cycle as your blood flow will become free of clots and more bright red (rich in oxygen) with less pain and menstrual congestion during your periods.
You will be clearing your uterus of old blood, releasing old tissues, and ultimately strengthening the uterus and ovaries. Please note that the first couple of cycles may have more debris that have to be eliminated.
This is especially true if you are suffering from stagnation in your uterus usually due to PCOS, endometriosis, painful periods, dark clots, bloating, etc.
Following a fertility cleanse will provide a wide range of benefits restoring not only your fertility but also your general state of health.
Any Side Effects?
It is possible to experience detox symptoms during the first 7 days of doing any type of cleanse. These really depend on your level of toxicity.
This phase is called "healing crisis" and it is very mild and transient. In my opinion, experiencing 1-2 days of healing crisis is a sign that your body is responding well to the cleanse and that things are moving out of your body.
These is list of possible cleansing symptoms you may or may not experience. If you do, don't be concerned as this is normal:
1. Flu-like symptoms.
2. Clear sinus discharge.
3. Irritating cough.
4. Body aches, muscle pain.
5. Increased bowel frequency.
6. Fatigue.
7. Skin rashes and itching
8. Headaches
9. Feeling emotional
10. Weight loss.
The best way to prevent cleansing or detox symptoms is to eat a very healthy diet and drink lots of water.
This is the best time to begin your fertility diet and add lots of smoothies and juices to your diet.
Male Infertility and Toxicity

In men, alcohol, pesticides and other toxins, like heavy metals found in smoke, have been linked to abnormal sperm formation, low sperm count, low sperm life, prostate enlargement, and even erectile dysfunction.
The Fertility Cleanse Kit for Men is designed to promote sperm health, increase libido, balance hormonal health and eliminate harmful toxins that affect the motility, morphology (shape), and quality of male sperm.
Find Out More About The Fertility Cleanse Kit
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Are you having unexplained infertility problems and you’ve done all you could yet no solution to the challenge. I had similar problem, I was afraid to talk about it at first. I read articles about celebrities who has faced similar problem I decided to discuss it with people. Mine was extreme but I got help when I finally decided to tell people about my problem. I was asked to contact Agbara herbal center for herbal treatment to infertility. I contacted them they were ready to assist and offered some herbal medications which I took and eventually was able to conceive. It’s a long story, if you’ve been there ( fertility problem) you’ll understand what I’m talking about. If you need help contact.( dreka14demons@gmail.com ).for assistance on how to cure infertility challenges. It worked for me and I believe this will go a long way in somebody’s life. Best of luck, My husband weak erection was completely cured with This Agbara Herbal Medication, If you are a Man suffering from Erectile Dysfunction, Just Use Agbara Herbal Deep Cleanser and you will be completely cured and become a man