Do you feel bloated, sick, tired, or simply zapped of all energy? If so, you might want to consider, Colon Hydrotherapy (colon cleansing).
The human colon is an organ vital for achieving overall health and wellbeing. The purpose of the colon is to expel waste and toxic material from the body. The intestines are constructed of highly absorbent tissue providing a protective barrier between waste matter and the bloodstream. Problems and disease arise when the colon is not evacuating waste and poisons properly or not at all. Over the course of years, these toxins begin hindering the colon’s efficiency and allowing harmful microorganisms to thrive. A number of modern factors contribute to this crisis of the colon. Lack of exercise, poor diets consisting of over-processed and preserved foods, lack of fiber, low water consumption, drinking colas and coffee, high stress levels, and over ingestion of medications all present themselves as culprits when it comes to poor digestive health.
You want to live long.
According to 5,000 year old healing wisdom of naturopathic and traditional Eastern medicine, all death begins in the colon.
With regular cleansing, you help offset the common toxins you are regularly exposed to in your home, the environment, or the food you eat every day. Over time, these toxins can lead to chronic health issues like colds, irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, and everyday aches and pains. If your colon is free to operate functionally, it can help eliminate the root causes of disease before it manifests.
With regular cleansing, you help offset the common toxins you are regularly exposed to in your home, the environment, or the food you eat every day. Over time, these toxins can lead to chronic health issues like colds, irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, and everyday aches and pains. If your colon is free to operate functionally, it can help eliminate the root causes of disease before it manifests.
The human colon is an organ vital for achieving overall health and wellbeing. The purpose of the colon is to expel waste and toxic material from the body. The intestines are constructed of highly absorbent tissue providing a protective barrier between waste matter and the bloodstream. Problems and disease arise when the colon is not evacuating waste and poisons properly or not at all. Over the course of years, these toxins begin hindering the colon’s efficiency and allowing harmful microorganisms to thrive. A number of modern factors contribute to this crisis of the colon. Lack of exercise, poor diets consisting of over-processed and preserved foods, lack of fiber, low water consumption, drinking colas and coffee, high stress levels, and over ingestion of medications all present themselves as culprits when it comes to poor digestive health.
You know the saying, “If momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy”? Let’s swap out a few words… “If your COLON ain’t happy, ain’t nobody part happy”! Keeping your colon clean and healthy is vital for a strong, healthy body. Doing a colon cleanse is a great way to help remove and prevent toxin build-up; allowing you colon to function properly.
What your colon actually does…
The colon or large intestine is the end portion of the human gastrointestinal tract. Its main responsibilities are to store and elimination of fecal waste, reclaim water, sodium and potassium, maintain water balance, absorb some vitamins and provide a location for flora (good gut bacteria)-aided fermentation. The “beneficial” bacteria promote vital nutrient production, maintain pH balance, and prevent proliferation of harmful bacteria.
Most nutrients have already been thoroughly digested and absorbed by the time the food reaches the large intestines and what remains are mostly waste products. Fiber is actually not digestible through the GI tract, so when fiber reaches the large intestine it adds bulk to your stool. Fiber also encourages safe and comfortable elimination which is crucial to remove toxic waste.
What happens when your colon doesn’t function properly…
Consuming chain fast-food restaurants three or four times a week will clog up your system fast! All of the undigested grease and additives create a plaque build-up on your intestinal lining, making it extremely difficult for you colon to function properly. Add a fizzy pop or beer, which dehydrates you in a second, and you’re cruising for a bruising!

The best way to prevent these diseases and many others is to keep that colon clean and happy!
Colon detoxing methods…
There are several ways to safely cleanse your colon in the comfort of your home and there are several ways to cleanse your colon under the safe supervision of a profession health care provider. Some ways are certainly more effective than others, but covering them all could be a series by itself
Let’s go over some simple, effective ways to get your gut cleaned out and working well!
Fasting – I definitely recommend beginning a fast of sorts as part of a healthy colon cleanse. I love juice fasting, it is a great way to reboot your intestinal tract. “Daniel” fasting is another great way to reset your gut… removing all refined foods and sugar, breads, dairy and at least red meat from your diet for an allotted amount of time. You may be wondering “what will I be able to eat then?” and the answer is lots of super-good-for-you-foods! Fresh, raw veggies and fruit, nuts, beans, whole grains and lots of water.
Fiber Supplementing – Adding an excellent source of fiber to your daily diet and before bed is another great way to gain better colon health! Want to know my top fiber choices? No, it’s not prunes… Try psyllium, apple pectin and flax and chia seeds. These will swell and add a perfect amount of lubrication in your intestinal lining and the seeds will actually gently scrape the walls of your colon to loosen the plaque build-up. Together they make the important job of evacuating toxic waste much easier.
Herbal Aid – Herbs also play an important role in natural colon cleansing. Here are just a few herbs I like to use:
Garlic – gets rid of parasites and is the most excellent internal antimicrobial
Probiotic – When toxin are build up in human body the colon are fill with bad bacterias, in this way probiotic will help eliminate bad bacteria and products more good bacterias is ingesting proper nutrition
Aloe Juice – soothes the gut lining, loosens plaque build-up on colon
To give you an idea of what could happen when your colon is out of whack:
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Asthma and allergies
- Cancer
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Weight gain
- Depression
- Irritability
- Diseases and frequent infections
- Fatigue and insomnia
- Stomach pain and ulcers
- Headaches
- Arthritis
- Diverticulitis
- Acne and wrinkles
You should always be aware of your colon health, always! Make a mental note of how often you are eliminating, if you notice a more-foul-than-it-ought-to-be smell, and changes in consistency. Okay, okay! I know it’s gross, but it is SO important to know what is going on in your intestinal system!
As far as how often and how long one should do a colon detox, well… it all depends on the individual, their lifestyle, their person health condition and risk of colon cancer. A healthy person who is fit, active and eats mostly veggies and raw food won’t need to participate in a colon cleanse more than once a year or so.
But someone who has a long history poor eating habits, lack of regular exercise or some sort of chronic disease would benefit from a long (4-6 week) cleanse and lifestyle change. This type of person may need a “reboot” every 4-6 months to keep them on a healthy track.
A general rule to go by is to cleanse for 10 days, if you don’t have foul stools, then you can probably stop then cleanse and engage in a healthy lifestyle including wise food choices. If you are still experiencing foul stools, continue your cleanse until you no longer notice the foul odor.
Benefits of Colon Cleansing
Makes the digestive system more effective
As the colon is cleansed, it pushes undigested waste through your system, clearing the way for good nutrient absorption. If waste remains in the body for too long, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and illness. A clean colon from a colon detox allows undigested waste to pass easily through your system.
Maintains regularity and prevents constipation
Constipation — especially when it's chronic — causes a sluggish digestive response, which in turn leaves waste in the system longer. This increases the likelihood that toxins will be released into the bloodstream. It is also a cause of other illnesses and irritations, such as hemorrhoids and varicose veins.
Constipation — especially when it's chronic — causes a sluggish digestive response, which in turn leaves waste in the system longer. This increases the likelihood that toxins will be released into the bloodstream. It is also a cause of other illnesses and irritations, such as hemorrhoids and varicose veins.
Increases energy
Releasing the toxins from your body is rejuvenating because it refocuses the energy usually used for forcing waste through your intestines to other parts of your body. People who have undergone colon detoxification say they have better blood circulation, more restful sleep and a boost in energy.
Releasing the toxins from your body is rejuvenating because it refocuses the energy usually used for forcing waste through your intestines to other parts of your body. People who have undergone colon detoxification say they have better blood circulation, more restful sleep and a boost in energy.
Increases the body's absorption of vitamins and nutrients
When the time food gets into the colon, our body absorbs nutrients through the small intestine. What's left in the colon is mostly waste products, water, and some vitamins and minerals. When the colon is detoxified, it clears the way for essential vitamins and nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream.
When the time food gets into the colon, our body absorbs nutrients through the small intestine. What's left in the colon is mostly waste products, water, and some vitamins and minerals. When the colon is detoxified, it clears the way for essential vitamins and nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream.
Improves concentration
Poor diet and ineffective vitamin absorption can cause you to become distracted and lose your concentration. Cleansing the colon with a detox diet can be the difference between feeling alert and not being able to focus. This has far-reaching ramifications for work, your relationships and your overall health.
Poor diet and ineffective vitamin absorption can cause you to become distracted and lose your concentration. Cleansing the colon with a detox diet can be the difference between feeling alert and not being able to focus. This has far-reaching ramifications for work, your relationships and your overall health.
Kick-starts weight loss
Foods lacking in fiber move through the digestive tract at one-quarter the pace of high-fiber choices. This slow-moving food produces excess mucous that literally sticks to the intestinal walls, weighing the intestinal tract down with
Foods lacking in fiber move through the digestive tract at one-quarter the pace of high-fiber choices. This slow-moving food produces excess mucous that literally sticks to the intestinal walls, weighing the intestinal tract down with
pounds of decaying fecal matter.
Colon cleansing has the potential to aid weight loss; some people claim to have lost up to 20 pounds over the course of a month. The average human colon weighs about four pounds empty and can hold up to eight meals' worth of food before digestion finally occurs. A colon cleansing can result in significant weight loss and kick-start your metabolism, as well as refocus your attention on better food choices and whole-body wellness.
Colon cleansing has the potential to aid weight loss; some people claim to have lost up to 20 pounds over the course of a month. The average human colon weighs about four pounds empty and can hold up to eight meals' worth of food before digestion finally occurs. A colon cleansing can result in significant weight loss and kick-start your metabolism, as well as refocus your attention on better food choices and whole-body wellness.
Decreases risk of colon cancer
All the toxins that you eat, drink, breathe in and absorb through your skin end up being processed by your gastrointestinal system and liver. If they are not forced from your colon and liver as quickly as possible, they can wreak havoc on your body's systems. By releasing stagnant body waste, you reduce the causes and the risk of polyps, cysts and cancerous growths in your colon and gastrointestinal tract.
All the toxins that you eat, drink, breathe in and absorb through your skin end up being processed by your gastrointestinal system and liver. If they are not forced from your colon and liver as quickly as possible, they can wreak havoc on your body's systems. By releasing stagnant body waste, you reduce the causes and the risk of polyps, cysts and cancerous growths in your colon and gastrointestinal tract.
Colon cleansing after a cleanse, skin will look smooth and glowing because the colon will now be functioning more effectively, which means the body will get more nutrients that Enable skin glow.
Increases fertility
Colon cleansing rids the body of many chemicals and toxins that affect the egg and sperm. Many naturopaths recommend that both partners undergo colon cleansing before attempting pregnancy.
Colon cleansing rids the body of many chemicals and toxins that affect the egg and sperm. Many naturopaths recommend that both partners undergo colon cleansing before attempting pregnancy.
Maintains pH balance in the bloodstream
Foods that cause colon blockages are acid-forming — particularly high-protein diets without enough fiber. If yeasts, molds, fungus, bacteria, parasites or fecal material enter the bloodstream and connected tissue, the body's pH will be thrown out of balance.
Foods that cause colon blockages are acid-forming — particularly high-protein diets without enough fiber. If yeasts, molds, fungus, bacteria, parasites or fecal material enter the bloodstream and connected tissue, the body's pH will be thrown out of balance.
Improves whole-body well-being
Ridding the colon of waste and toxins by releasing layers of colon buildup can lead to feelings of lightness, strength and overall good health.
Colon Cleansing FAQs
Q. What is Colon Cleansing?
A. A gentle effective method of assisting waste removal from the large intestine, with temperature controlled, clean filtered water from a FDA registered machine. Colon Cleansing also exercises and tones the colon muscles and hydrates the cells of your entire body.
Q. What can I expect from Colon Cleansing?
A. Common effects are loosening of mucus in the lungs, improved range of motion, skin tightening, feeling more youthful, spinal relief, softening of the abdomen, relief from headaches and fatigues; and improved bowel function. The main benefit received by releasing the toxic waste is eliminating disease from the body.
Q. What should I do before a session?
A. It may be more comfortable to refrain from eating at least two hours before your scheduled appointment.
Q. How much time is required for a Colon Cleansing session?
A. The first session includes a consultation, so the first visit will be longer than the future sessions. One should plan to be in session about an hour and a half.
Q. Does colon therapy suck and/or flush everything out of the colon?
A. No. Colon Cleansing hydrates the entire body. This hydration softens the waste which assists the body in using its own muscular system to release waste and toxins.
Q. Does colon therapy remove all of the good and bad bacteria out of the colon?
A. In the large intestine there are billions of organisms including bacteria, yeast, fungi and viruses. Yes, a balance of good and bad bacteria are important for a healthy colon. Beneficial bacteria is produced daily if the individual is ingesting proper nutrition. If desired, probiotic (beneficial bacteria) food and/or supplements can become a part of your dietary program. Colon Cleansing only uses clean purified water and will not destroy all of your beneficial bacteria. You only lose whatever toxins and bacteria that exists in the waste as it is moving out of the colon.
Q. Will only one session do the job?
A. One session will empty part of the colon. However, each individual is different. Please discuss a plan with your therapist after each session.
The Herbal Colon Cleanse should not be used during pregnancy or while nursing. It is also not recommended if you are on blood thinners or antibiotics. As always, check with your doctor or medical professional before doing a cleanse if you are on medication.
Are you excited about doing a colon cleanse? When do you think you’ll start?
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