The body has systems designed to eliminate waste and to detoxify poisons. The liver chemically converts toxins to be easily eliminated by the kidneys. Detoxification is an ongoing process.
Mild liver damage due to fatty deposits within the functional units of the liver itself can greatly impact the production of bile. This leads to a situation called biliary insufficiency.
The liver metabolizes not only fats but also carbohydrates and proteins for use in your body. The organ has a triple role in carbohydrate metabolism.
- It converts glucose, fructose, and galactose into glycogen, which it stores.
- When your blood sugar level drops and no new carbohydrates are available, the liver converts stored glycogen into glucose and releases it into your bloodstream.
- If your diet is regularly low in carbs, the liver will convert fat or protein into glucose to maintain your blood sugar levels.
The liver converts amino acids from food into various proteins that may have a direct or indirect impact on your weight.
Perhaps the liver’s most important function, and the one that puts it at greatest risk for damage, is to detoxify the myriad toxins that assault our bodies daily. A toxin is any substance that irritates or creates harmful effects in the body. Some toxins, called endotoxins, are the natural by-products of body processes. For example, during protein metabolism, ammonia is formed, which the liver breaks down to urea to be excreted through the kidneys.
Other toxins you consume by choice, such as alcohol, caffeine, and prescription drugs. Still others are the thousands of toxic chemicals we breathe, consume, or touch in our environment: pesticides, car exhaust, secondhand smoke, chemical food additives, and indoor pollutants from paint, carpets, and cleaners among others.
The detoxification process has two phases that should work in close synchronization.
Phase 1 uses a group of enzymes to break apart the chemical bonds holding the toxins together. Known as hydroxylation, phase 1 makes some toxins more water soluble and temporarily more chemically active.
Phase 2, known as conjugation, attaches other enzymes to the chemically altered toxins, or intermediates, producing substances that are non-toxic, water-soluble, and easily excreted.
Three Ways To Support Basic Daily Detox & Flush Your Liver
- Diet: Â Processed lifeless foods are seen by the body as a toxin. Removing all food sensitivities is key. Avoiding sugar/caffeine/alcohol will take a burden off of your liver. Eating plenty of liver loving foods in your diet -including LIVER itself.
- Fiber:Â removing grains/legumes from the diet removes a heck of a lot of fiber. It will be critical to consume plenty of vegetables at every meal along with supplementing with fiber.
- Hydration:Â We must keep properly hydrated to keep the body flushing appropriately, moving bowels and urine regularly. Proper hydration keeps the blood fluid so that toxic material may be delivered to the lymph and liver. Water flushes toxins and removes wastes. Since we are more toxic than ever we must drink enough pure filtered water (free of chlorine/fluoride, chemicals/metals/pathogens).
Supplements To Support Detox
I recommend at the very least just using a good multi-vitamin and multi-mineral supplement. During times of stress you may want to increase your mineral intake, as stress causes you to burn through your minerals more quickly.- Aloe blossom tea: One way to get natural vitamins and minerals daily would be with Aloe blossom tea. Aloe blossom tea is a wonderful overall support tonic and could be considered an excellent food based multi-vitamin. Aloe blossom tea boosts immunity, Â Aloe blossom tea are a very balancing food for health.
Steep 1 cup dried Aloe blossom tea in 2 quarts hot water for 5min. Strain, add more water to equal a full 2 quarts, sweeten to taste.
- Vitamin C: I recommend everyone take both daily at least in a maintenance dose. Vitamin C has many detoxifying jobs -it’s like a kind of universal anti toxin. 4000-6000 mg daily. Vitamin C actually goes straight to the liver and you won't need as large of a dose with this form.
- Vitamin E: Â very protective against free radical damage and cell membrane damage. The process of detoxification can create dangerous molecules and they can do more harm than the original toxin. Vitamin E protects against such effects.
- Herbs: Â Milk Thistle, Dandelion, try Dandy Blend as a coffee replacement —Â great liver supportive herbs. Use the herbs in dried form in tea, or find tinctures or make them. Start with one herb and get used to it for a month before adding another.
Your Plan To Support The Liver
First off, let me state–I do not recommend a SERIOUS liver cleanse or detox until you have spent about 3 months or so working on the foundations of digestion.- A 30 day strict diet as a cleanse: and way to reduce inflammation and enhance metabolic cleansing —Â this helps to address toxic overload, harmful bacteria, heavy metal toxicity and leaky gut.
- Exercise daily: Â even if it’s only a brisk walk or something minimal. Daily movement is very important. It keeps the lymph flowing and toxins moving out of the body.
- Sweat Daily: Â this should occur if you are getting daily exercise, however you can head to a sauna as well.
- Detox Showers or Baths: Â Detox baths or even showers are an excellent way to promote cleansing and can be done regularly -even daily.
- Castor Oil Packs: Â Castor oil is effective in helping remove cellular waste products.
- Oil Pulling: Â Oil pulling is a great method for pulling toxins out of the blood as well. The chewing action done during oil pulling can trigger enzymes that draw toxins from the blood.
- Consume Probiotics Daily: Â through food or supplements. Probiotics help to neutralize toxins, break down and prevent synthesis of bacterial toxins. They also help to break down bile acids.
- Clean out the toxins in your home: Â Check your cosmetics and personal care products, your cleaning products, how much plastic your foods are in (switch to using more glass), never microwave in plastic, never use products with fluoride, check your water and filter the whole house if you can, at the very least get a water filter for ALL water you drink or cook with and a filter for your shower.
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