Six Tips That Help You End Losing Pounds
A big weight-loss journey requires consistency, determination, and commitment. However, If you're dealing with a similar predicament, these expert tips offer the advice you need to hit your weight-loss goal—and keep those pounds off for good.

2. Change Up Your Workouts Keeping things fresh and mixing up a workout is important for so many reasons. Not only does it stop your body from hitting a hard plateau, but you'll also be less likely to get burnt out.
3. Hire a Trainer If your gym routine is feeling ineffective and you're not sure how to make the proper changes, group fitness expert Aimee Nicotera says that hiring a personal trainer can make a huge difference. your fitness expert hold you accountable, and challenge you." Even with a professional he can totally revamp your workout routine and help you reach your goals.
4. Lift (Heavier) Weights All of the fitness and health experts we reached out to shared one common thread: Blum explains that lifting heavy weights raises our body's hormone levels, which gives your body the "natural ability to burn fat for a full 24 hours after your workout." If that's not enough proof to head to the weight room, I don't know what is! lift weights, and don't be afraid of heavy ones!
5. Manage Your Stress Barrett says that "not all stress is bad" (and we can't completely eliminate stress from our lives), but there are some stressors we have control over such as "poorly controlled blood sugar, excessive caffeine consumption, over training, and poor digestion." If you start working through stressors, you'll start seeing results.
Julie says that when our bodies are under stress, "our adrenal glands pump out excessive amounts of the stress hormone cortisol, causing an imbalance in our bodies' natural hormonal rhythms." This imbalance reduces your ability to burn fat, hindering your body from reaching that goal weight.
6. Up Your (Healthy) Fat Intake Just the word "fat" makes some people steer clear, but adding more healthy fats to your diet can help your body shed weight. Barrett says to eat more fat from organic plant sources like "coconut oil and nuts" and to choose "grass-fed, organic, pasture-raised animal sources."
If you've always wanted to start running, kick off your program with our 35-minute interval plan that alternates between walking and running.
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